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"Through the power of God, IDEAME seeks to transform the spiritual and economic lives of small business entrepreneurs in Honduras through Christian discipleship, business investment, education, and training."

Now that we are a 501 (c) (3) you can donate directly to IDEAME. Zeffy, is a 100% free and secure donation platform for nonprofits, so every dollar you give goes directly to our mission. Zeffy offers suggested tip options to support their services. This is completely optional—select one of their options or “other” where you can customize your tip or even offer $0. You will receive confirmation email email directly from Zeffy. IDEAME will send you a record of your yearly giving for your tax deductible financial support.


You are welcome to continue supporting IDEAME through St Timothy Lutheran Church. Use this link and simply select IDEAME Honduras from the dropdown menu. Fill in the contact information and advance to your preferred payment method.

Thank you for your support!


Su donación a IDEAME proporcionará provisiones de alimentos, suministros médicos básicos y capacitación para la puesta en marcha de pequeñas empresas para adultos jóvenes, madres solteras y hondureños crónicamente desempleados sin un modelo de ingresos actual para mantener a sus familias.

Glorificando a Dios, un emprendedor a la vez.

Todas las donaciones fluyen a través de St Timothy. En donar ahora, iniciar sesión o registrarse, seleccionar fondo: IDEAME / Honduras, elegir donación única o mensual, y la cantidad.


Recibirá un estado de cuenta de fin de año.


Gracias por tu apoyo.  


“Una persona generosa prosperará; el que refresca a otros, se refrescará ". Proverbios 11:25

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