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"Through the power of God, IDEAME seeks to transform the spiritual and economic lives of small business entrepreneurs in Honduras through Christian discipleship, business investment, education, and training."

Your financial support helps IDEAME LLC realize its mission by providing our entrepreneurs the opportunity to support their families. IDEAME doesn’t just provide seed capital, but months of business, financial and marketing consulting along with prayer and discipleship programs that grow their Christian faith. Glorifying God, One Entrepreneur at a Time.

IDEAME LLC has submitted our IRS application for non-profit status (501 c3). Until that is approved and implemented, your donations will continue, as they have since July 2021, to flow through St Timothy Lutheran Church. * When you reach the donate page you will see a general fund drop down, click and select IDEAME Honduras. You can select a one-time gift or regular giving as well as frequency. Fill in the contact information and advance to your preferred payment method.
Thank you for your support.  
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

*For annual giving in excess of $250, you will receive a year-end tax deductible statement.

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