A Journey of Faith: IDEAME’s Growth and Transformation to a Recognized Nonprofit
Bob Sawicki
It’s amazing where God has taken IDEAME since our humble beginning in July of 2021. Soon after we started, St. Timothy answered the call to help, and Sr. Pastor Steve Henze, agreed to finance some of IDEAME’s needs. This opened the door to meeting with St. Timothy’s Mission Board and communications with the congregation. Our mission and vision resonated with a growing donor group, and our first fundraising dinner in September of 2022 was very successful, allowing many to hear about what IDEAME was accomplishing and what our dreams for the future were.
Our first mission trip in November 2022 gave us more momentum as word spread via first-hand observations of spiritual and economic changes in the lives of a growing number of Hondurans.
This trend has continued to this day and would not have been possible without the support of Sr. Pastor Brad Jurischk, the St. Timothy staff and Board of Directors, the Mission Board, and especially Dave Baden, St. Timothy’s Director Finance. All of these people supported IDEAME as a “signature” ministry allowing donors to support us with tax deductible giving.
As our mission continued to grow, it was clear IDEAME needed to incorporate within the State of Texas and seek independent status as a 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit allowing us to seek support from a broader audience of donors from other churches, foundations and individuals. In October, 2023, we were chartered as a Texas corporation with a Board of Directors. Thanks to referrals from LINC and others who were consultants and accountants experienced in IRS applications, we filed for nonprofit status in January and then waited. God has been present during every phase of our ministry, so why should we be surprised when a the IRS case manager called IDEAME’s president, Bob Sawicki, to remind us that a letter had been sent two weeks prior and to be sure to answer the two questions before the deadline of July 29. Our consultant said he had helped file similar applications hundreds of times and no one from the IRS has ever called, let alone warn us to be sure and respond soon. When Bob called her he took the opportunity to pray for her and learned that she was a Christian. Two weeks later IDEAME received a letter of certification, and we became an official 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit charity. We are currently in the process of updating our website, securing a PO Box for a mailing address and opening bank accounts with a local bank soon.
To God be the glory!